Our Story

The YOWEC Journey

Youth and Women Empowerment Centre (YOWEC), is a private, voluntary, not-for-profit non-governmental organization based in Port Harcourt. YOWEC is involved in community development, especially in the area of youth and women empowerment.

YOWEC commenced operation in 2004, and is duly registered with the Corporate affairs Commission of Nigeria and in the Niger-delta States, Departments of social welfare, Ministries of health and State Action Committee on Aids (SACA)  

Youth and Women Empowerment Centre YOWEC came into existence in a bid to solving a prevalent socio-economic problem in contemporary Nigeria, which bothers on the pessimistic attitude of youth to life in recent times. It is a fact that an average Nigerian youth, especially in the Niger Delta has lost touch with the reality of hard work, responsibility, integrity and morals. This is manifest in his attitude to school, work and other aspects of life.

Examination malpractice and sundry truancies have gained a central place in our educational system; fraud, theft, and violence have become the order of the day. Youths no longer clamour for self-development through formal education and apprenticeship, which are basic for national development. Moral values and integrity are fast becoming obsolete to the youth of today.

The characteristic energy of youth is being prostituted for momentary gratification, which leaves no future for the youth of today.  Most young men and women just drift along in life without definite focus. Young widows live in misery because of lack of self- development. This is a major problem in our national life, as the human factor is the pivot of national development.

These negative values can be re-evaluated through conscious re-orientation of the young minds. This is the commitment of YOWEC to social and economic development in 21st Century Nigeria.

YOWEC is focusing on capacity building for youth and women, in the areas of Vocational Skills Acquisition, Leadership and Personality Development, Entrepreneurship, Micro-credit facilities and Scholarship, to ensure the harnessing of useful potentials inhibited in our youth for economic viability, self reliance, integrity and confidence, wealth creation, moral and infrastructure development in the localities.

YOWEC aims in the long run, to reverse the value of over-dependence on government for employment, extensive emphasis on paper qualification, to introspective drive for innovation and creativity among youths towards a more dignified and meaningful life and a revitalized economy.  We aim also to promote the relevance of women in economic and social development by refocusing their approach to business and family.

What We Stand For

Our Mission

To sensitize youth of the various localities in the Niger-Delta for skills development, apprenticeship, and entrepreneurship; to conduct pre-examination sensitization in the secondary schools, and to mobilize funds for the socio-economic empowerment of young men and women through micro financing 

Our Vision

To revive and establish in 15,000 young men and women of the Niger-Delta, the values of leadership, responsibility, integrity and hard work in 2014 as a panacea for sustainable development.


Core Values

Ø  Capacity Building and Training

Ø  Quality Education

Ø  Vocational Skills development

Ø  Moral Re-armament

Ø  Women Empowerment

Ø  Maternal Health Care


Ø  To disseminate HIV/AIDS and STI’s (Sexually Transmitted Infections) information and education to Youths and Women.

Ø  To empower Youths of school age to track their peers and impact knowledge to mates.

Ø   To improve the capacity of career guidance counselors in schools for quality counseling and moral lessons.

Ø   Mobilize and educate youth of school age on the gains of hard work

Ø  Encourage acquisition of relevant skills alongside formal education at all levels.

Ø  Provide Skills training for young men and women through YOWEC’s open apprenticeship scheme.

Ø  Mobilize and administer soft loans to young men & women for micro-enterprises and market gardening.

Ø  Discourage examination malpractice in schools.

Ø  Promote sanity and moral values among school age youth.

Ø  Re-orientate the minds of young Nigerians in exploring and harnessing their creative potentials for wealth creation.

Ø  Collaborate with other organizations with similar objectives towards achieving our goal.

Ø  Replace street trading among youths with sustainable skills development.

Ø  Build a resource center for youth and women development.

Meet The Team

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Rev. Kenneth Idehen


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Mrs Gloria Ken-Idehen


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Mrs Boma Obi

Yowec Team

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Mr David Jaja

Yowec Team